Things your Doctor never says and questions you’re afraid to ask
What can you expect in talk therapy?

What can you expect in talk therapy?

Are you man enough for talk therapy? Effective therapy is not about the therapist providing you the answers to your questions, but rather being asked the right questions.   In therapy, you will be invited to expand your perspective.  In our sessions, you will not be...

Concierge Medical Care at Home and Executive Care

What is concierge medical care? Is it boutique care? Maybe it's direct primary care or personalized care?  These are all euphemisms for paying directly for your care and not going through an insurance provider. Because this allows the patient and no other party to...

Are You A Real Man? Our Naked Irrational Fears and Insecurities

Are You A Real Man? Our Naked Irrational Fears and Insecurities

In the grand scheme of mental health problems the fear of being naked is not topping any charts. However, there seems to be a growing epidemic based on my own experience and reports in general. The media reports some “men” are either afraid or highly uncomfortable...

Man Therapy:  Heal or Get Off The Couch!

Man Therapy: Heal or Get Off The Couch!

 Dr. Raymond Zakhari, NP The average male much less an alpha male is not going to eagerly lie on a stranger's couch and discuss their feelings. Most men characterize health in terms of function and form.  If it works well and looks good they are fine. Manly Men...

What is Pharmacogenomics and How Can It Help Me?

What is Pharmacogenomics and How Can It Help Me?

What is a Pharmacogenomic test? Pharmacogenomics uses information about your genetic makeup to help your doctor choose medications and doses (pharmacology) most likely to work best for you. Therefore, pharmacogenomics testing helps reduce traditional trial and error...

The Cultural Dissonance of Becoming A Man

The Cultural Dissonance of Becoming A Man

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives...

Who Needs An In-Home Psychiatrist?

Who Needs An In-Home Psychiatrist?

New York City delivers almost anything to your door. So, why not have your psychiatric mental healthcare delivered too? The services of an In-Home Psychiatrist are intended to meet the patient right at their level of need. Many people avoid psychiatric care because of...

Marriage Questions To Ask Yourself Before Tying the Knot

Marriage Questions To Ask Yourself Before Tying the Knot

Marriage is a complex subject to handle. Here is a list of questions every man needs to ask himself about his future wife before getting married. Does she fly into rages without warning over relatively trivial matters like a web page loading too slowly? Are you always...

Who Are My Medical Providers And What Do All The Letters Mean?

Who Are My Medical Providers And What Do All The Letters Mean?

There are many differently credentialed medical providers in healthcare. Often it's not clear from the name badge or uniform what the person does or is supposed to do. This post will shed some light on the subject. Medical Providers Nurses Let me first begin with the...