Are You A Tight Ass? What Your Pelvic Floor Says About Your Mental Health And Wellness?


Emotional forces affect the muscles around the pelvic floor. Pleasurable experiences and emotions tend to relax, energize, or expand us.  Meanwhile, non-pleasurable ones make us tense up, contract, and even depress us. Most of the time these reactions are transient, just as our experiences tend to be.  Our muscles will return to a baseline range of function. However, if the emotional impulse is strong enough or it’s present for a significant length of time. There’s potential for chronic patterns of our muscular responses to evolving into pain and dysfunction.

What is the pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor includes the genitals and anus, and the muscles that attach to the tailbone (coccyx) are the pubococcygeus, Iliococcygeus, and iliococcygeus, as well as some fibers of the gluteus maximus.  This region even in our very open oversharing society is taboo for many men. We were reprimanded and shamed when we explored these areas as children. Sometimes this can result in lifelong patterns of unconscious protection or guarding in this area. Even as adults, our culture has a difficult time talking about it straightforwardly. We sometimes refer to it as “down there”, as if using real anatomic terms would be too awkward.

For some men, letting go and feeling open on the pelvic floor can be especially challenging because being “in control” often means holding on, repressing feelings, being uptight, and distancing themselves from their softer, more receptive sides. The person who is rigid in his [pelvic floor] frequently also suppresses his emotions, overemphasizes intellectual control, and is very driven. Another name for this individual is the typical ‘tight-ass’ who is holding on to all his expressions and feelings. Allowing oneself to relax and be vulnerable by voluntarily surrendering control can be a psychological and interpersonal asset.

Taboo subject

In many cultures and traditions the pelvic floor, including the perineum, is often a significant and sometimes central aspect of the practice of philosophy. The pelvic floor is a vital energy center. There are methods of accessing, expanding, and channeling this energy. Through awareness, intention, and physical contraction, we can relax those muscles and it may offer beneficial therapy. Beyond the purely physical realms of anatomy and movement, the pelvic floor plays an important role in a man’s mental health.

About Metro Medical Direct

Dr. Raymond Zakhari is the owner and operator of Metro Medical Direct and provides Telehealth and in-home visits. He also provides in-home alcohol and drug rehabilitation. Book an appointment here and check out the rest of this site for more information about concierge medicine.

Also, check out Dr. Ray’s Podcast The Psychology of it All here. Also available on Apple Podcasts.