The Whole Package Men’s Health Physical Exam

What is The Whole Package Men’s Health Physical?

  • It is a comprehensive physical exam for men (the group who normally neglects primary care for many years at a time). It is a convenient one-stop shop in which all the services are provided in your home.

What is the process to begin?

  • Once you decide to take your health seriously the process is simple: Just text me your name and address in NYC

Who will do the Men’s Health Physical Exam?

  • A male board-certified nurse practitioner performs The Men’s Health Physical exam in the comfort of your home or hotel in Manhattan. The nurse practitioner is board certified in both family practice and family psychiatry with specialized training in sex therapy.

What is the Whole Package Men’s Health Physical?

Is this the same as an Executive Health Physical Exam or a basic physical exam?

  • During your Whole Package Comprehensive Physical Exam, unlike the drive-by physicals you may have had in the past, you will undress down to your underwear and eventually get totally naked (some guys wear a jockstrap for modesty). The exam will include a total body skin exam, vital signs, multisystem evaluation (head-to-toe), urine dipstick, hemooccult screening for colon cancer, prostate cancer screening,  and testicular cancer screening. Diagnostic tests include 12-Lead EKG, Cardiac Echo, Bilateral lower extremity arterial ultrasound, carotid artery ultrasound, and abdominal ultrasound.
  • Recommendations for screening tests and referrals to specialists are based on the telehealth visit which will also include a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation.
    • I will screen for family medical history, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders before your physical exam. Other tests and referrals may be recommended after the physical exam.
  • Most executive health physicals refer you to dermatology for a Total Body Skin Exam, urology for a digital rectal exam for prostate cancer screening, cardiology for cholesterol and blood pressure management, and even radiology for a whole body scan (the equivalent of 500 x-rays worth of radiation exposure at one time) and before you know it you’ve become a professional patient.
  • As a busy man, you likely do not have a mountain of free time to run from doctor’s office to doctor’s office. Referrals are ONLY necessary when problems requiring a specialist are found or a specialist is required to screen (e.g. colonoscopy). This is your one-stop-body shop

Is blood work or lab tests needed?

  • Commonly recommended bloodwork includes a complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic profile, and hemoglobin A1C. Also a Lipid profile, TSH with reflex to Free T4, testosterone, Hepatitis C Antibody, HIV, RPR, and urine test.
    • These tests will screen for anemias, kidney function, liver function, thyroid function, and diabetes. It also includes risk factors for heart disease, infectious hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus, and sexually transmitted diseases.
  • A nearby Quest Lab conducts lab work, or blood is drawn in the comfort of your home.

What happens after your Whole Package Men’s Health Physical?

After a physical exam and all your results are in, a personalized podcast and copies of your reports are provided. This includes recommendations for what you can do to maintain your health for the year.

About Metro Medical Direct

Dr. Raymond Zakhari is the owner and operator of Metro Medical Direct and provides Telehealth and in-home visits. He also provides in-home alcohol and drug rehabilitation. Book an appointment here and check out the rest of this site for more information about concierge medicine.

Also, check out Dr. Ray’s Podcast The Psychology of it All here. Also available on Apple Podcasts.